Could America Collapse Like A House Of Cards? - Revelation Movement

Could America Collapse Like A House of Cards?
Yes, it can. More suddenly than many would want to believe!
glenn_beckCan Glenn Beck save America?
No! America cannot be conserved by Conservatism alone. Her cancer has gone much deeper than political economy.  Postmodernism has turned America’s foundational, “self-evident” truths into modernist myth.
America’s Foundation: Truth or Myth?
Roman Governor Pilate acknowledged that Jesus was innocent: yet, it wasn’t “self-evident” to him that Jesus had an inalienable right to life. Every judge that heard Paul’s case admitted that the charges against him were baseless: yet, it wasn’t “self-evident” to even one of them that Paul had an inalienable right to liberty.
Because the truths on which America was founded have never been self-evident to human reason in any culture. Jefferson would have been honest had America’s Declaration of Independence affirmed, “We hold these truths to be divinely revealed that all men are created equal and are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights (such as) life, liberty and pursuit of happiness.”
The Enlightenment’s misplaced confidence in human reason undermined America’s real foundation – God’s revelation; the Bible. Now, as America amputates its soul, everything built on that foundation is crumbling. America’s civilizational superstructure of freedoms, justice and prosperity cannot be “conserved” without recovering their true foundation.
Nineteen centuries before German philosopher Nietzsche was born, Pilate demonstrated that when truth is dead what rules is brute force. Pilate boasted that he had the power to crucify Jesus after acknowledging publicly that Jesus was innocent.   Truth liberates: but after demolishing truth only the naive would take liberty for granted.
The Titanic is sinking —— So What?
titanic_sinking“My wife stood in the middle of the living room with her hands on her hip” narrated my friend . . . his voice choking. “She looked straight into my eyes and said, ‘I want to have sex with him. What’s wrong with that? Don’t I have a right to pursue my happiness? Who gave you the authority to take away my rights?’”
“Tears were streaming down my eyes,” my friend’s voice cracked with emotions, “and I couldn’t say a word. Everything that she was saying, I had taught her. I grew up in a Christian home, but my professors seemed better educated than my pastors: therefore, I gave up my childhood faith. I believed what the university taught; what Hollywood taught; what the media taught. I followed the world’s wisdom and my marriage collapsed like a house of cards.
“The emotional cost of the divorce was as heavy as economic. We lost our home. Now, she is without medical insurance, because her boyfriend won’t marry her. My new wife is wonderful with my kids, but by court’s order they have to spend so many days with their mother. My 12-year old daughter is very uncomfortable having to live with a man who is not her step dad. The emotional, educational and the social price that our kids will pay for our divorce is still unknown: this morning she woke up crying and could not be consoled. She dreamt that mummy had killed her boyfriend by pushing him off a cliff. I don’t know how to interpret her dreams . . . but we know that her mother feels trapped: She cannot leave him because then she wouldn’t have a house. . . In the university, Jesus’ parable of the Prodigal Son seemed childish . . . but now I know that Jefferson knew that the pursuit of pleasure was the pursuit of unhappiness. Jefferson read the Bible because he knew that happiness comes from a pursuit of virtue as taught in the Sermon on the Mount.”
Margaret Thatcher —— Why Conservatism Can’t Save
margretthatcherThe best known British Conservative, Margaret Thatcher, UK’s Prime Minister from 1979-1990, explained why Conservatism was insufficient. On May 21, 1988 she said to the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland,
“We are a nation whose ideals were founded on the Bible. Also it is quite impossible to understand our literature without grasping this fact. That is the strong practical case for ensuring that children at school are given adequate instruction in the part which the Judaeo-Christian tradition has played in moulding our laws, manners and institutions. How can you make sense of Shakespeare and Sir Walter Scott, or of the constitutional conflicts of the seventeenth century in both Scotland and England, without such fundamental knowledge? But I would go further than this. The truths of the Judaeo-Christian tradition are infinitely precious, not only, as I believe, because they are true, but also because they provide the moral impulse which alone can lead to that peace, in the true meaning of the word, for which we all long.
“To assert absolute moral values is not to claim perfection for ourselves . . . one of the great principles of our Judaeo-Christian heritage is tolerance. People of other faiths and cultures have always been welcomed in our land, assured of equality under law, or proper respect and of open friendship. There is absolutely nothing incompatible with this and our desire to maintain the essence of our own identity. There is no place for racial or religious intolerance in our creed. . .
“Ideally, when Christians meet, as Christians, to take counsel together, their purpose is not (or should not be) to ascertain what is the mind of the majority but what is the mind of the Holy Spirit——something which may be quite different. Nevertheless, I am an enthusiast for democracy. And I take that position, not because I believe majority opinion is inevitably right or true – indeed, no majority can take away God-given rights – but because I believe it effectively safeguards the value of the individual, and more than any other system, restrains the abuse of power by the few. And that is a Christian concept.
“But there is little hope for democracy if the hearts of men and women in democratic societies cannot be touched by a call to something greater than themselves. Political structures, state institutions, collective ideals are not enough. We Parliamentarians can legislate for the rule of law. You the Church can teach the life of faith. . . Your success matters greatly – as much to the temporal as to the spiritual welfare of the nation.”
(Christianity and Conservatism ed. The Rt Hon Michael Alison MP and David L. Edwards, Hodder and Stoughton, 1990, pp 337-338)
Surely Jefferson knew what Margaret Thatcher had learnt: Why did he then not to confess that divine revelation was America’s intellectual foundation? Why are America’s cultural elite bent on destroying their nation?
Can America be saved?
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Vishal Mangalwadi
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