Articles - Revelation Movement

Western Autumn After “Arab Spring?”

Why did Britain burn from 6-10August 2011? What made rioters take innocent lives, loot shops, and set them on fire? How could Anders Behring Breivik murder 91 fellow Norwegians in cold blood on 22July? Why did Greeks go to the streets in May-June,...

William Carey: The Father of Modern India

William Carey: The Father of Modern India[i] Vishal Mangalwadi “William Carey was the nastiest Englishman that ever came to India,” said Mr. R.M. Pandit, my fellow-passenger.[i] We were both on our way to England. His mission was to research...

Mathematics + Spirituality = Development

This is part XXII of Vishal’s monthly series “Why Are We Backward?” for India’s Backward Castes. In the holy city of Gangapur, two preachers were most renowned:  Gyananand enthralled his audience by explaining that the European numerals (I, II, III, IV, V, etc) could...

America’s Carmel Moment?

According to the US Treasury, during March 2011, the Federal Government spent eight times more than its total income: · Total expense --- $1.0528 trillion · Net income (Federal Taxes) --- $128.179 billion! Out of this $120 billion went for domestic liabilities (Social...

Twitter Against Tanks: Islam Meets Modernity

In a bold statement to a world in turmoil, the American space agency, NASA, has named one its spaceships to Mars, Zahran. The 23-year old beautiful Sally Zahran was beaten to death by the security forces of Egypt's ousted dictator, Hosni Mubarak. Zahran, a university...

Sclerotic America Needs To Be Destroyed

Sclerotic America needs to be destroyed – TIME-CNN-Channel 4 Discuss the West’s Decline Vishal Mangalwadi Author of The Book That Made Your World: How The Bible Created the Soul of Western Civilization (Thomas Nelson, May 2011) Last night (Sunday, March 6, 2011) BBC...

Transform America – A Practical Strategy

The Byzantine Christian Empire lost what is now Turkey to the Seljuk and Ottoman Turks between 1071 and 1453, with the result that not only the seven important churches mentioned in Revelation 2–3 were lost, but the whole region declined in every way. By contrast,...

Yoga: Seven Paths of Salvation in Hinduism

Yoga: Seven Paths of Salvation in Hinduism For most of history most people have not needed to stretch their hands, legs, and backs or exercise their hearts. Normal chores of life kept their muscles toned. Other than special groups such as athletes and soldiers, those...

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